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Category: Poetry and Literature

One woman watches as another examines with a magnifying glass an ornate, decorative image on a printed page

The CYAC Program at the Library of Congress: Summarizing Fifty Years of Children’s Literature

Posted by: Danna Bell

Can you summarize the classic story The Cat in the Hat in one sentence? How about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone or A Wrinkle in Time? This is just one small part of what librarians in the Children’s and Young Adults’ Cataloging Program or CYAC (pronounced kahy-ak) at the Library of Congress have been doing for decades. This week, the CYAC Program celebrates their fifty-year anniversary at the Library.

One woman watches as another examines with a magnifying glass an ornate, decorative image on a printed page

The Américas Award: Bringing Literature to Life with Primary Sources

Posted by: Danna Bell

On Friday, September 18th, 2015, the Library of Congress hosted the Américas Award for Children's and Young Adult Literature. The award, co-sponsored with the Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs, recognizes work that "authentically and engagingly portrays Latin Americans, Caribbeans, or Latinos in the United States." These diverse stories can be highlighted and brought to life through the use of primary sources.

One woman watches as another examines with a magnifying glass an ornate, decorative image on a printed page

Five Questions with Abby Yochelson, Reference Specialist for English and American Literature, Main Reading Room

Posted by: Danna Bell

My all-time favorite teacher was Mrs. Campbell in sixth grade. One of her activities was to have us memorize and recite poetry a couple of times a year. While I was painfully shy back then, I thought the activity was terrific (once my turn was finished)! In our online collections, I really love the copy of Walt Whitman's poem "Oh Captain, My Captain." It's a printed copy but it includes corrections in Whitman's handwriting with a note to the publisher about "bad perversions."