On a spring day, gather your students together and make a list of activities children do in springtime. When ideas have been generated, tell students they are going to analyze two images from the past to discover what children did in spring.
Now we have a way for teachers to bring Library of Congress professional development programming into their homes and classrooms whenever they want it. The Library's education staff has been building a collection of short videos to help teachers enhance their professional learning. The 40 videos focus on building awareness of the Library's various collections as well as on the effective use of these primary source materials.
Kristi Finefield of the Library's Prints and Photographs Division has developed a series of videos that can help students learn how to look at a photograph to find details and hints to construct answers.
What's one topic that's usually of great interest to young learners? Toys! Tap into this interest and offer a primary source lesson that will inspire learning.