On September 17 we take a moment to celebrate the signing of the United States Constitution. This year also take a moment to celebrate the man who is considered the “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison.
In addition to the materials found on the Teachers Page, there are many other resources on the Library of Congress website that teachers can use to find primary sources.
What can a political cartoon say that a drawing or photograph can’t? The Teaching with the Library of Congress blog has published a few helpful posts on using political cartoons in the classroom.
Music in Our Schools encourages schools to make sure their students have access to music and the opportunity to learn and use music in their schools. The Library of Congress website has lots of resources that will help you combine music-related primary sources and other classroom activities.
A great way to cut down the hours of lesson planning is by looking at standards-based learning opportunities for your students. The Library of Congress has a tool to help teachers find classroom materials that meet state standards.