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Search results for: chronicling america newspapers

One woman watches as another examines with a magnifying glass an ornate, decorative image on a printed page

Inviting Students to Consider the Purpose of Presidential Proclamations

Posted by: Danna Bell

In the November/December 2016 issue of Social Education, the journal of the National Council for the Social Studies, our “Sources and Strategies” article highlighted George Washington’s very first Presidential Proclamation, described many of the more than 7,700 other proclamations issued by the 44 presidents, and invited students to consider the purpose of such proclamations.

One woman watches as another examines with a magnifying glass an ornate, decorative image on a printed page

Multimedia Moment: A Mystery Sparked by a Century-Old Film

Posted by: Danna Bell

In my first Multimedia Moment post, I focused on the action in actuality street scenes. One of the films, the 1897 Edison film Corner of Madison and State Streets, Chicago, showed people walking across the street with large signs that appeared to be advertisements. I instantly wanted to know what was written on the signs.