After launching on May 31, “The Signal” had a strong first month. We published 27 posts and are pleased to have had over 60 comments during June. The blog appears to reach a broad audience, which is exactly what we hoped for.
Staff wrote about digital preservation outreach events, significant reports and publications, data forensics and economic sustainability, among other subjects. From the number of comments and other measures, two themes seemed especially popular. At the top of the list is web archiving. Eight years of Web Archiving One Week in The Hague, Digital Archaeology on Display and The First Decade of Web Archiving at the Library of Congress both drew quite a bit of attention.
The other hot topic was personal archiving. Confessions of an Imperfect Personal Digital Archivist, Personal Archiving in the Cloud and What Do Teenagers Know About Digital Preservation? Actually, More Than You Think… received lots of traffic.
Good evidence for the diversity of our readers is reflected in the solid attention that a couple of rather different posts received. Linked Open Data: A Beckoning Paradise was a hit, as was Steven Puglia, Connecting Digital Conversion with Digital Preservation.
This expansive interest is just great. We will do our best to continuing exploring different angles relating to digital preservation and observing what our readers value. Comments on the blog are really appreciated, since they are the most direct evidence we can get of reader interest.
Let us know if you have questions or suggestions—we would love to hear from you!
Update: broken links fixed.
Comments (2)
Just wanted to drop a note to say that your posts are fantastic for library-school students, and I plan to assign several! Do keep it up!
Thank you so much! Very glad to hear that the posts have some use for up-and-coming librarians.