March 2012 marks the fourth anniversary of our Digital Preservation Newsletter. With this issue, we’ve updated our look and feel. But you’ll notice that our content remains focused on providing current information for the digital preservation community. Thanks to all of our over 18,000 subscribers for your support!
In this issue:
*Check out the new features
*The launch of a new resource: our Personal Digital Archiving Day Kit
*Talking about the future of the Federal government librarian job descriptions and the future of librarianship in general. What are your thoughts?
*Tips for designing preservable websites
*Read about some life cycle models for digital stewardship
*An update about a National Digital Stewardship Alliance Outreach Working Group activity
*Digital Preservation Outreach and Education news
*Recap of recent meetings: CurateGear and PASIG: the Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group
*We recently interviewed four very interesting professionals about digital preservation topics — read the conversations.
*Upcoming Event: IIPC General Assembly, April 30-May 1, 2012, Library of Congress, Washington, DC