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Web Archiving Week in Washington

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The following is a guest post by Abbey Potter, Program Officer, NDIIPP.  She is also Communications Officer for the IIPC.

Spring time in Washington, DC has a lot going for it. Cobblestone streets and historic row houses accented by blooming bushes and trees, beautiful weather with lots of sunshine and breezes, and sunsets against the shadows of marble monuments are just a few of this city’s spring time charms.

Highsmith (Carol M.) Archive, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-highsm- 04036

Another event to look forward to this spring is the 2012 IIPC General Assembly that will be held at The Library of Congress April 30 – May 4, 2012. IIPC is shorthand for the International Internet Preservation Consortium, a group of organizations from around the world that are working together to acquire, preserve and make accessible knowledge and information from the Internet for future generations. The IIPC was formed in 2003 and has grown from 12 to over 40 member organizations, including national libraries, archives, universities, service providers, and non-profits from around the world.

The Library of Congress is a founding member and we are thrilled to welcome our friends and colleagues from the web archiving world to Washington for a week’s worth of discussions, meetings and workshops.

Monday, April 30th will be an open symposium around the theme “The Broad Value of Web Archives: Demonstrated Use”. The web archiving, research, and preservation communities are invited to explore and discuss how collections of preserved web materials serve a wide range of uses from cultural heritage and data mining projects to legal compliance and e-discovery. This event is free and open to the public but registration is required to attend.  Space is limited.

Tuesday through Friday will focus on IIPC member business and working groups. The tentative agenda for the week is published and will be updated as soon as we have the information to pass along. Registration is also required for these meetings and is open to IIPC members and invited guests only.

The week will bring together the world-leading experts in web archiving to discuss the state of this burgeoning field and what partnerships, initiatives and efforts will ensure its stable growth. We also hope people will have a good time in Washington and look forward to the GA–which should be here just about the same time as the azaleas.

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