It’s Preservation Week! How are you celebrating it? Attending an event at your local library? Holding an event? Thinking about some of your own personal collections that may need preservation treatment to pass on? Even though our blog focuses on the preservation of digital materials, we are about raising awareness and promoting preservation-related activities. That’s …
The following is a guest post by Jefferson Bailey, Fellow at the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Initiatives. “mr Ballard left home bound for Oxford. I had been Sick with the Collic. mrs Savage went home. mrs foster Came at Evening. it snowd a little.” So begins the diary of Martha Ballard on January 1, …
The April 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available. In this issue: *Nominations being accepted for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Awards *How Many Libraries of Congress Does it Take? A look at an unusual unit of measurement *What’s the Value of A Broken Link? *Becoming Digital, Or, What Comes …