DigitalPreservation 2012 is scheduled for July 24-26, and will be held in the Washington, DC, area. The theme is access to digital content under stewardship. We are lining up exciting keynote speakers and looking forward to a lively exchange of ideas.
Our annual summer meeting of NDIIPP partners, National Digital Stewardship Alliance members and interested individuals brings together an extensive community to share achievements in the areas of technical infrastructure, innovation, content collection, standards and outreach efforts.
For the first time we are opening the call for proposals for broad participation. Any organization with an interest in digital preservation can propose ideas for potential inclusion in the meeting. We are specifically seeking proposals for posters, 5-minute “lightning talks” and tool demonstrations.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Challenges, successes and lessons learned within and between stewarding institutions
- Digital preservation tools, services and other resources
- Best practices for digital preservation practices in smaller institutions
- Educational needs and opportunities for emerging and practicing professionals
- Personal digital archiving
Please send 300 words or less describing what you would like to present to [email protected] by April 23. Accepted proposals will be notified by May 1.

Comments (2)
I appreciate the work you do to create The Signal posts and associated links. I am retired and am trying to learn – remotely from Seattle, WA. My request for the Digital Preservation 2012 event (and all major events) is to make the keynote addresses available via webinar, podcast, (YouTube, etc.) It doesn’t have to be every session and it doesn’t have to be interactive. But let me listen to the speakers. Anything you can do to make more of your activities accessible to the majority of us who are not in Washington D.C. is appreciated. Thank you.
Claudia: Thanks very much for your comment, which resonates with us!