Since 2005, the Library of Congress has hosted annual meetings with digital preservation partners, collaborators and others committed to keeping a record of our time. The meetings have served as a forum for sharing information about concepts, tools and best practices, and have also helped promote a vibrant community of practice. We are pleased to announce this year’s meeting, DigitalPreservation 2012.

The gathering kicks off at midday on July 24 with a series of luminary keynote speakers, including best-selling author David Weinberger; “entrepreneur, writer and geek” Anil Dash; Open Planets Executive Director Bram van der Werf; and Creative Commons board director Michael Carroll.
A reception afterwards will showcase a variety of poster presentations about many great projects.
The following morning begins with a panel exploring current issues with stewarding big data, and features White House official Tom Kalil; NSF Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Myron Gutmann; and neogeographer and CTO of GeoIQ Andrew Turner. Another panel follows that will explore perspectives on preserving digital culture; participants include University of Texas at Austin School of Information Assistant Professor Megan Winget; NYPL Digital Curator of Performing Arts Doug Reside; Rhizome at the New Museum Digital Conservator Ben Fino-Radin: University of Maryland College of Information Studies/Department of English assistant professor Kari Kraus; and Story Worldwide Deputy Managing Director Jim Boulton.
The afternoon will feature a variety of smaller breakout sessions that will demonstrate the latest digital preservation tools; activities of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance working groups; next steps for preserving state government digital information; and ideas for small institutions to implement digital stewardship services.
For something new and completely different, we will devote July 26 to a CurateCamp unconference. The focus will be on two different notions of “processing”: archival processing and data processing. These notions are becoming increasingly entwined, and participants will discuss the ways that curators, archivists, librarians, scholars, software developers, computer engineers and others can draw inspiration from both concepts.
Note that we are still lining up a venue for the meeting, which will be in the Washington, DC, area. Stay tuned for later announcements about location and registration.