The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group awards action team is excited to announce the first set of projects, individuals, and organizations to receive NDSA Innovation Awards. Almost a year ago, the NDSA Innovation Working group announced the development of a series of awards to recognize innovative work in digital preservation. Several months ago we were thrilled to open up nominations for these awards. Today we are excited to publicly announce the winners of that project.
From nearly fifty compelling nominations the awards action team selected the following five winners. The winners illustrate the diversity of the digital preservation community, including students, educators, media professionals, state partners and representatives from both library and archives communities. Please join us in congratulating them for their hard work.
Future Steward: Mat Kelly, Graduate Student at Old Dominion University: Recognized for his work on WARCreate, a Google Chrome extension that allows users to create a Web ARChive (WARC) file from any browseable webpage.
Institution: State Library and State Archives of North Carolina: Recognized for their work educating state employees and information professionals on digital preservation through their website, online tutorials, and digpres411 Twitter account.
Project: AIMS Project (An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship): Recognized for their work developing a framework for stewarding born-digital content and filling the gap between applying standards such as OAIS and the necessary workflows and tools for implementation. You can read their resulting white paper online.
Individual: Peter Krogh, Photographer: Recognized for his work on The DAM Book, the dpBestflow website and as a special advisor to the Shutha project, each of which have helped raise awareness and make information on digital preservation practices accessible to photographers.
Individual: Dr. Anthony Cocciolo, Assistant Professor at the Pratt Institute: Recognized for his innovative approaches to teaching digital preservation practices, in particular his work partnering classes with archival institutions to work on the digitization and digital preservation of analog audio collections.
The awards will be presented at the upcoming DigitalPreservation 2012 conference July 24-26, 2012 in Washington DC. More information on the conference is available here.