We recently celebrated The Signal’s first birthday, and we’re thrilled there are over 10,000 followers of our NDIIPP Twitter account. Social media has become more and more a mass means of communication. We started by dipping our toes in the facebook pool and then swimming laps in the Twitter stream. And a year ago, we catapulted into the blogosphere.
But we didn’t start there. For 10 years, we’ve been talking about and providing digital preservation news and resources. If you’re new to our community, it’s a good time to share where else you can find us.
Since 2002, our website has evolved from providing information about the NDIIPP program to becoming a rich resource of news and events, reports and publications, videos, and podcasts for the digital preservation community. We’ve “refreshed” our look a few times and continuously added content about the NDIIPP partnerships and project results, tools created by and for the community, personal digital archiving guidance, in-depth articles about individuals and other organizations doing digital preservation and access work, and updates from the National Digital Stewardship Alliance. (You can check out the archive of our site on archive.org to see how far we’ve really come.)
Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter
We publish a monthly newsletter containing tidbits from recent blog posts on The Signal. It’s a handy digest that can be delivered to your email inbox. Sign up for it here.
iTunesU and YouTube
In 2009, we started a podcast and video series. The podcast series, Conversations About Digital Preservation, is available on iTunesU. You can view the Digital Preservation Video Series on the Library of Congress YouTube channel.
Meetings and Outreach Events
Over the years, we’ve convened meetings with experts and practitioners to discuss digital preservation challenges and approaches to solutions. We’ve also hosted a number of public outreach events. Here’s a list of our meetings, where you’ll find reports, presentations, notes, and photos from our events.