This year’s Best Practices Exchange will take place on December 4-6 in Annapolis, MD. The Maryland State Archives has graciously agreed to host the meeting.
BPE meetings focus on the management of digital information in state government, and bring together practitioners to discuss real-world experiences, including tools, services and lessons learned. The meetings have taken place since 2006 and serve as an forum for archivists, librarians, curators, information technology managers and others to share information.

We reported on last year’s meeting in Lexington, KY, noting that it featured lively discussion around access, sustainability, digital projects and collaboration and community. There were also sessions on the NDIIPP state government information projects, including discussion of the report States of Sustainability: A Review of State Projects funded by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) (PDF). My colleague Leslie Johnston also talked about big data in her presentation From Records to Data: It’s Not Just About Collections Any More.
The call for session proposals is now open. Each session will be 90 minutes long with two or more speakers per session. Presentations should be 10 to 15 minutes to allow for discussion and engagement with the audience. Proposals should include an abstract of 100 words or less and the name, title, email, phone number and organization of each presenter. You may submit a proposal for one speaker, which will then be paired with others by the program committee; or a proposal for a full session with multiple speakers (please contact and confirm the other speakers prior to submission.) Please send all session proposals to Tim Baker at the Maryland State Archives, tim.baker (at)
A conference website with additional registration will be coming soon.