“Technology has had most of the attention in digital preservation but it is the least of our concerns,” said Anne R. Kenney. That’s a bold declaration. But Kenney has earned the right to make it, based on her 25 years at Cornell University Library, conducting ground-breaking digital research, creating award-winning training resources and fostering national …
The following is a guest post by Abbie Grotke, Web Archiving Team Lead. Is a U.S. Government website or part of a site you use or know about at risk of disappearing? Is there a website related to the 2012 U.S. Elections that you think should be preserved? Always dreamed of contributing to a collaborative …
“We leave Gulfport at noon; gulls overhead trailing the boat—streamers, noisy fanfare— all the way to Ship Island. What we see first is the fort, its roof of grass a lee— half reminder of the men who served there— a weathered monument to some of the dead.” -excerpt from Natasha Trethewey’s “Elegy for the Native …
The South By Southwest conference is has become pretty big on the tech circuit and has garnered a reputation as a place where new technologies are launched. There’s an egalitarian spirit to the event (read; sprawling) that encourages anyone to attend and participate. The “anyone” increasingly includes information professionals in libraries, archives and museums (LAMs). …
As a follow up to the “Preserving Digital Culture” panel from DigitalPreservation 2012, I’ve been interviewing panelists who haven’t yet been featured on The Signal. Megan Winget was previously interviewed, discussing the challenges of preserving new media. This week’s post features Doug Reside, Digital Curator with the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. …
This is a guest post from Camille Salas, a summer intern with the Library of Congress. If you want Camille to help you out with creating a Viewshare, let us know in the comments. In early July I had the opportunity to work with reference librarian, Erika Spencer, who works in the European Division at …
The five recipients of the inaugural NDSA innovation awards are exemplars of the creativity, diversity, and collaboration essential to supporting the digital community as it works to preserve and make available digital materials. In an effort to learn more and share the work of the individuals, projects and institutions who won these awards I am …
On July 26, 2012, the Library of Congress hosted CURATEcamp Processing: Processing Data/Processing Collections. The idea to hold a CurateCamp had been percolating for some time, but the event really came about through a fortuitously timed conversation with our colleague Meg Phillips at the National Archives and Records Administration, and the interest of our colleague …
The August 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available. http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/news/newsletter/201208.pdf In this issue: Summary of DigitalPreservation 2012 Rescuing the Tangible from the Intangible From AIP to Zettabyte: Comparing Glossaries One Family’s Digital Archiving Project Fighting the Battle for Fleeting Attention Profile of William Kilbride Training Digital Curators Upcoming Events (Designing Storage Architectures, …