“Do you remember how we did things back when your great great grandma or grandpa [were alive]? We had moved Native Americans from their homelands, so we could have more and more land for ourselves.” The above reference describes the Whitefish Middle School’s Montana Indian Tribes, Modern Life, 2010-2011 Web Archiving Collection. This unique collection, …
“We leave Gulfport at noon; gulls overhead trailing the boat—streamers, noisy fanfare— all the way to Ship Island. What we see first is the fort, its roof of grass a lee— half reminder of the men who served there— a weathered monument to some of the dead.” -excerpt from Natasha Trethewey’s “Elegy for the Native …
A few month’s ago, we announced the release of States of Sustainability: A Review of State Projects funded by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) (PDF), a report written by Christopher A. Lee of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that provides a review of the Preserving State Government Information …
The following is a guest post by Jefferson Bailey, Fellow at the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Initiatives. In a previous post on The Signal, we examined some of the themes that emerged from the survey of organizations in the United States that are actively involved in, or planning to start, programs to archive content …
We recently celebrated The Signal’s first birthday, and we’re thrilled there are over 10,000 followers of our NDIIPP Twitter account. Social media has become more and more a mass means of communication. We started by dipping our toes in the facebook pool and then swimming laps in the Twitter stream. And a year ago, we …
The June 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available. http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/news/newsletter/201206.pdf In this issue: The Library of Congress digital preservation blog, The Signal, is a year old A recap of the week-long International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly News from The Signal: Defining the “Big” in Big Data; GeoMAPP and the Future of …
This is a guest post by Abbie Grotke, Web Archiving Team Lead at the Library of Congress. What do you get when mix six lawyers and more than 25 web archivists in a room together? No, not a joke. When you’re serious about the topics of legal deposit, permissions responsibilities, access concerns, and robots.txt, you …
The following is a guest post by Jefferson Bailey, Fellow at the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Initiatives. A number of us around the office have fielded some interesting questions recently, both at public events and over email, regarding digital preservation’s susceptibility to what I will call, for lack of a better term, cataclysmic …
Four years ago, the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program awarded grants to four projects involving multiple states, known as the Preserving State Government Digital Information initiative. At that time, NDIIPP was in the process of expanding its network of partnerships through projects exploring the preservation of and future access to at-risk digital content. …