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Archive: 2012 (37 Posts)

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The May 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is Now Available

Posted by: Erin Engle

The May 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available. In this issue: Exploring Collections using Viewshare The challenges of extracting information from floppy disks U.S. government elections and web archiving at the Spring CNI Meeting Preservation of and access to federally funded scientific data Help launch a digital preservation Q & …

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It’s Preservation Week! How are you celebrating it?

Posted by: Erin Engle

It’s Preservation Week! How are you celebrating it? Attending an event at your local library? Holding an event? Thinking about some of your own personal collections that may need preservation treatment to pass on? Even though our blog focuses on the preservation of digital materials, we are about raising awareness and promoting preservation-related activities. That’s …

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The April 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is Now Available

Posted by: Erin Engle

The April 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available. In this issue: *Nominations being accepted for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Awards *How Many Libraries of Congress Does it Take? A look at an unusual unit of measurement *What’s the Value of A Broken Link? *Becoming Digital, Or, What Comes …

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Formatting the Formats Pages

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post by Carl Fleischhauer, a Digital Initiatives Project Manager in NDIIPP. An Office of Strategic Initiatives team began compiling a set of digital format descriptions in 2004, yielding the format sustainability website, described in my Signal blog posts for December 19 and December 20, 2011.  The team includes Jimi Jones …

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Talking about Storage Solutions for the “Lone Arrangers”

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post from Thomas Padilla, Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Program Assistant in the Library of Congress Office of Strategic Initiatives. We at the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) program hear from working professionals across the country that digital preservation can be difficult to implement, let alone maintain, given squeezed …

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Reports, White Papers and Articles Document the Work of NDIIPP Partners

Posted by: Erin Engle

In the over 11 years since NDIIPP’s inception, the Program’s digital preservation network has grown substantially from 36 initial partner institutions to over 280 organizations from around the world.  The community stewards over 1,400 collections of digital content and developed various tools and services supporting the curation, transfer, validation and preservation of this content. Pretty …

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DPOE Sets Sights on Grassroots Education

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post by George Coulbourne,  Executive Program Officer at the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Initiatives. On February 21, the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) program met with leaders from the Library, Archives, and Academic community to discuss how DPOE will expand on its success in growing a national …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

The March 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is Now Available

Posted by: Erin Engle

March 2012 marks the fourth anniversary of our Digital Preservation Newsletter.  With this issue, we’ve updated our look and feel. But you’ll notice that our content remains focused on providing current information for the digital preservation community. Thanks to all of our over 18,000 subscribers for your support! In this issue: *Check out the …