Last October Viewshare turned two. I know what you’re going to say: Viewshare is getting so big and is so advanced for it’s age! We agree. (Editor’s note: the Viewshare program was retired in 2018.)
This post will round up links to recent papers, presentations and blog posts that show how Viewshare enhances access to digital collections. The tool has over 1500 users from all over the world and more views are being created everyday. Development is continuing so be on the lookout for new features in the coming weeks.
Presentations and demonstrations walk users through how to use the tool:
- At the recent CurateGear 2013 (pdf) Trevor Owens showcased how dynamic interfaces to digital collections are easy to create with Viewshare.
- Watch a screencast of the steps for creating views in Viewshare.
Papers provide in-depth discussions making the case for Viewshare use in many fields:
- Viewshare: Digital Interfaces as Scholarly Activity by Trevor Owens and Jefferson Bailey from the history and Digital Image Forum from the October 2012 issue of Perspectives on History.
- From Records to Data with Viewshare: An Argument, An Interface, A Design by Jefferson Bailey and Trevor Owens discussing digital humanities and information visualization.
- Viewshare and the Kress Collection: Creating, Sharing, and Rapidly Prototyping Visual interfaces to Cultural Heritage Collection Data by Lauren Algee, Jefferson Bailey, and Trevor Owens is an article in November/December 2012 D-Lib about a specific view created at the National Gallery of Art.
Several blog posts offer use cases for Viewshare in several contexts:
- Teaching Digital Library Creation with Viewshare
- Back to School with Viewshare
- Better know a Viewshare: Exploring Texas Funeral Records
- Exploring and Sharing Community History through Interface Design
- Digital Collections Amplified with Viewshare: An Interview with Meghan Frazer
- A Collection of Collections: Learning More
- Teaching Digital Library Creation with Viewshare