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Archive: May 2013 (2 Posts)

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Hey Content Creator: Make Mine Lossless!

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

I’ve always loved the term “lossy” compression (add a “y” to anything and the “cute” factor really goes up). But just like a baby tiger is cute only so long as you understand that it will one day grow into a vicious, man-eating beast, lossy compression is cute only so long as you understand that …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Ian MacKaye and Citizen Archiving

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

I think of “citizen archivists” as the first responders of history, arriving early on the scene to gather, capture, describe and preserve ephemeral artifacts of interest and helping to ensure that they survive over time to share with the future. Thoughts on citizen archivists and their importance to institutions like ours were running through my …