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CURATEcamp Exhibition: Exhibition in and of the Digital Age

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General exhibition, Poster for Federal Art Project exhibition at the Federal Art. Call Number: POS – WPA – MASS .01 .G45, no. 1 (C size)  Prints and Photographs

Alongside this year’s Digital Preservation 2013 meeting, I am excited to announce that we will also be playing host to a CURATEcamp unconference focused on exploring the idea of exhibition. For those unfamiliar with unconferences, the key idea is that the participants define the agenda and that there are no spectators, everyone who comes should plan on actively participating in and helping to lead discussions. Everybody who participates should come ready to work.

CURATEcamp Exhibition

An exhibition involves organizing, contextualizing and displaying collection items. As cultural heritage organizations increasingly make both digitized and born-digital materials available, we find a range of opportunities for exhibiting them. Thinking broadly about the idea of exhibition, everything from faceted browsing and visualizations to linear and non-linear modes of presenting materials, is part of the interpretive framework through which users make sense of collection materials.

This CURATEcamp unconference offers an opportunity for curators, archivists, librarians, scholars, software developers, computer engineers and others to share, demonstrate and refine ideas about exhibition in the digital age.

I am excited to co-facilitate this unconference with Sharon Leon, director of public projects at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, and Michael Edson, director of web and new media strategy at the Smithsonian Institution.

When: July 25, 2013

Where: Alexandria, VA

Register:  You can register for the meeting from the Digital Preservation conference registration page.  Note that the CURATEcamp is limited to the first 100 registrants.

Potential Session Topics include:

  • Open Authority and Curatorial Voice
  • Online Exhibition at Scale
  • Visualization as Exhibition
  • Exhibiting Born Digital Objects
  • Interpretation for Mobile Devices
  • Digital Storytelling and Cultural Heritage Collections
  • Collection Interfaces that Contextualize
  •  Storytelling and Linked Data
  • Social Media as Exhibition
  • Citizen Curators
  • Blogs as Serialized Exhibits
  • Data Journalism as inspiration for Exhibition
Register soon, as space is likely to fill up fast.

Comments (11)

  1. I would be interested in looking into topics that focus on games, interactive narrative/media and cultural heritage. I have experience in the following areas:
    Hybridity and third space theory as applied to museum games;
    Locative museum games;
    Creating game and interactive history narratives;
    Creating games about museum objects;
    Using game structure to help users make meaning of primary documents and images

  2. Hi Trevor and CURATEcampers,

    Anne here, from Pop Up Archive.

    We’re excited about the potential session topics and eager to think about some of them (i.e. curatorial voice, born digital, cultural heritage, linked data) particularly in the context of multimedia collections.

    If anyone else wants to talk exhibition of digital audiovisual content, holler at us!

    See y’all soon,

    Anne & Bailey

  3. Anne, I’d be up for exhibition of digital audiovisual content!

    I’m interested in new user interfaces for databases/digital collections/online exhibitions. We have a variety of content we want to share in one place, how do we make everything look good and allow the user to design their own mini-exhibitions?

  4. I am interested in mining a specific, printed, 20th-century historical text with an eye to identifying — and visualizing if not telling stories about — the variety of ways the text conveys sensorial experience: hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, and tasting. I am currently undertaking such a project that intersects the fields of history and anthropology, and I see the digital humanities as being an essential link and resource that could contribute substantially and, in so doing, be embraced by traditional scholars and become a part of the historiography in certain subject areas. Thanks for the opportunity to discuss, hear feedback, and perhaps pursue.

    ~ Jeff Reznick, National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division

  5. I am interested in any of the various technologies that can be used to mount a digital exhibition. In addition, I am interested in some practical problems of collaborating with cultural institutions and persuading them to actually consider doing things digital and online.

  6. Among the topics I’d like to see covered:

    Making online exhibitions sharable
    Identifying metrics in online exhibition evaluation
    New tools that simplify online storytelling

  7. Hi all,
    Jeff, I am interested in your project (have been thinking along similar lines for an art-history project).
    I would also be interested in discussing exhibition strategies that consider and take advantage of the internet as a medium – its connectedness, horizontal structuring of information, possibilities for interaction and self-directed inquiry, audience expectations etc… This is prompted by a project I am working on: a template for a history/material culture exhibition of my university that aims to build networks of information about its history through the close investigation of individual artifacts (which is meant to be , and would be interested to get feed-back on the template and see/hear about similar projects. FYI the goal is for the exhibition content itself to be curated by undergraduates.

  8. It would be interesting to get some perspectives about how much or how little we have a responsibility to reveal about our appraisal/selection and arrangement/description decision-making while hosting exhibitions. Presumably, as in all things cultural heritage-oriented, “it depends” — but on what and when?

  9. I like lots of the ideas posted so far (especially A/V, new user interfaces and specific technologies), but how about a discussion about facilitating collaboration with those from outside your organization. I am thinking here of harnessing the expertise and enthusiasm of others to create exhibitions with digital/digitized archival materials.

    I would also like to talk about finding new access points for materials – beyond finding aids and ‘traditional’ exhibitions. How do we find new places and partners for exhibiting archival materials, thereby increasing our reach to new audiences.

    Jeanne Kramer-Smyth, World Bank Group Archives

  10. One very general topic for discussion:
    What constitutes an exhibition–and does it matter if we spend time defining this? Do some folks consider Pinterest boards of historical sources to be the same thing as creating a digital exhibition that contains carefully-selected images or collection items with structured narrative text?

    2nd idea: how well do online exhibitions translate to mobile platforms? What are best practices for designing and crafting digital exhibitions that take an interested visitor into a deeper exploration of cultural heritage objects, contexts, and relationships to broader historical and cultural themes.

  11. My team and I are working on a student life project and we would like to use Omeka for it. We are interested in learning about other student life/ university history projects that has been built using Omeka. In general, we would like to know about other history projects designed using Omeka.

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