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Step One, Fit In: Finding a Place for Web Archiving

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Web archives are unique in digital library collections. They contain numerous formats, versions and content types. Acquiring, preserving and providing access to web archives often required specialized software, processes and skills. These factors can make it difficult for organizations to embark on web archiving and integrate web archiving into existing library departments and services.

The International Internet Preservation Consortium supported the Bibliothèque nationale de France in developing a workshop titled “How to fit in? Integrating a web archiving program in your organization.” The workshop took place November 26-30, 2012 at the BnF in Paris, France, and the reports and presentations from the workshop were recently published on the IIPC web site.

The aim of holding the workshop was to investigate the challenges and methods involved in implementing web archiving into the mainstream activities of a heritage institution: general institution strategy, acquisition practices, IT operations, preservation, access. It was primarily designed for institutions starting out in web archiving, but also for those who already have a first experience but are looking to explore new organization schemes. Based mainly on the experience at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, speakers presented different aspects of the organization. To provide a contrasting point of view from another national library the British Library was invited to give a presentation, while Internet Memory Foundation and the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel presented other approaches to web archiving. This workshop was of special interest to staff of National Libraries but could be useful to those working in other types of institutions as well.

The report contains lessons learned and an evaluation of the workshop. Also available are the support materials used during the workshop: the slides from the different presentations, an article on the BnF web archiving workflow and a bibliography on digital legal deposit at the BnF.

The workshop and the resulting reports from the BnF are part of the Education and Training program of the IIPC. The Library of Congress is a member of the IIPC Steering Committee.

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