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Picturing the Democratization of Digital Stewardship

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When we first started promoting personal archiving on our website a couple of years ago, the topics was fairly new. The efforts of major institutions to preserve and make available digital content were well-known, of course, but the idea of doing something similar for personal material was embryonic. Since then, attention to what can be called the democratization of digital stewardship has grown steadily. Many smaller organizations, as well as many individuals, are more attuned to the value of digital content to communities and to families.

I could provide a list here of projects underway–which is a good idea, and I’ll do it at some point–but a simpler way to make the case is to point out some recent public pictures tagged with personal digital archiving. Even in cases where the author offers up an attitude of  “look at all this junk,” these pictures are informative and poignant.

Memories...pressed between the pages of my mind... sweetened through the ages just like wine... precious memories...all I have now are memories..., by neloqua, on Flickr
Memories…pressed between the pages of my mind… sweetened through the ages just like wine… precious memories…all I have now are memories…, by neloqua, on Flickr
Winneba Fishing Village - Digital Archive project of OVF Ecotour 2010. oneVillage Initiative
Winneba Fishing Village – Digital Archive project of OVF Ecotour 2010, by oneVillage Initiative, on Flickr
From my Kane-like archives: Backups, many in formats not easily accessible: DAT, 8mm videotape, Zip disk. Even Imation "SuperDisk", cnewtoncom on Flickr
From my Kane-like archives: Backups, many in formats not easily accessible: DAT, 8mm videotape, Zip disk. Even Imation “SuperDisk”, by cnewtoncom on Flickr
Opening reception for Robert E. Kennedy Library's fall exhibit "Atelier Morgan: The Personal Archives of Architect Julia Morgan," by Kennedy Library Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly. on Flickr.
Opening reception for Robert E. Kennedy Library’s fall exhibit “Atelier Morgan: The Personal Archives of Architect Julia Morgan,” by Kennedy Library Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly, on Flickr
As he surrounds himself with all the gathered minutiae that defines him, Kitson's personal archive may be messy on every level; irrationally romantic attachment to his old house, and inside most of the suitcases were little dioramas of rooms in the building, which lit up and became visible at various points, angus mcdiarmid, on Flickr.
As he surrounds himself with all the gathered minutiae that defines him, Kitson’s personal archive may be messy on every level; irrationally romantic attachment to his old house, and inside most of the suitcases were little dioramas of rooms in the building, which lit up and became visible at various points, by angus mcdiarmid, on Flickr
Going through personal archives burried deep in a basement.. Cleaning up and freeing self from past, by celinecelines on Flickr
Going through personal archives burried deep in a basement.. Cleaning up and freeing self from past, by celinecelines, on Flickr

Comments (2)

  1. Amazing – all very different and yet each one touchese me

  2. oops – touches

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