If you’re in DC this weekend make sure to stop by the 2013 Library of Congress National Book Festival on the National Mall. Authors, poets, illustrators and several Library of Congress programs will be featured over two days, Saturday and Sunday, September 21 – 22, 2013. NDIIPP staff will be in the Library of Congress Pavilion (on Sunday only) with information and handouts about what we call Personal Digital Archiving: tips and guidelines on how people can keep safe their own digital photographs, documents, music, email and other digital information.
NDIIPP has been sharing these ideas at the NBF since 2006, one of the most popular parts of our exhibit are the myriad of old storage discs and out-dated computers we use to represent the constantly changing digital environment. Often, the computer punch cards on display bring back memories of loading reams of the cards into computers that ran fairly simple operations. It’s amazing to think about how far technology has come and how much it has changed our everyday lives. With these dramatic changes we’ve all had to learn new things: how to use a computer, a digital camera, a mobile phone, email, the Internet. We also have to learn how to keep the output of these new technologies and devices so that the generations after us can know what we experienced–our story.
So, if you’re interested in learning more about saving your digital stuff or just want to walk down memory lane with storage discs from your past stop by on Sunday between 10am and 5pm! We’ll be in the Library of Congress Pavilion. At 4:20 p.m. on Sunday Bill LeFurgy will be presenting Preserving America’s Digital Heritage: The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program.