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Archive: 2013 (17 Posts)

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Am I a Good Steward of My Own Digital Life?

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

After reading a great post by the Smithsonian Institution Archives on Archiving Family Traditions, I started thinking about my own activities as a steward of my and my family’s digital life. I give myself a “C” at best. Now, I am not a bad steward of my own digital life.  I make sure there are …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Before You Were Born: The Hardware Edition

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

I increasingly deal with vintage hardware. Why? Because we have vintage media in our collections that we need to read to make preservation and access copies of the files stored on them. I spend a lot of time thinking about hardware that I have interacted with and managed over the years. Some of it was …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Planning for Preservation Storage

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

Every year the Library of Congress hosts a meeting on Designing Storage Architectures for Digital Collections, aka the Preservation Storage Meeting.  The 2013 meeting was held September 23-24, and featured an impressive array of presentations and discussions. The theme this year was standards. The term applies not just to media or to hardware, but to …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Digital Archaeology

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

I was staring at a blank screen when my colleague David came into my office. I semi-jokingly asked him for a blog topic. “I have one for you,” he replied. “Content Archaeology. Discuss.” And with that he left my office. People know that I trained as an archaeologist and did fieldwork in multiple locations.  I …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Is There Such A Thing as Digital Preservation?

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

I am frequently asked about the difference between “traditional” preservation and digital preservation. My honest answer is that there are very few distinguishable differences. Preservation activities are never traditional – there is constant innovation in preservation techniques. Digital preservation is in many ways still developing its tools and techniques, but physical preservation is also evolving. …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

What Is It That We Actually DO?

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

A ten year-old recently asked what I do for a living. The response mostly involved explaining that the Library of Congress has digital collections and that I lead a team of people that take care of digital things, including writing software. I have often been asked by family, friends and complete strangers to explain what …