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Archive: March 2014 (4 Posts)

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Where are the Born-Digital Archives Test Data Sets?

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

By Butch Lazorchak and Trevor Owens We’ve talked in the past on the Signal on the need more applied research in digital preservation and stewardship. This is a key issue addressed by the 2014 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship, which dives in a little deeper to suggest that there’s a great need to strengthen the …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

A Regional NDSA?

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

The following is a guest post by Kim Schroeder, a lecturer at the Wayne State University School of Library and Information Science. Several years ago before the glory of the annual NDSA conference, professionals across America were seeking more digital curation literature and professional contacts.  Basic questions like ‘what is the first step in digital …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

New NDSA Report: Geospatial Data Stewardship Key Online Resources

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

“Location is everywhere.” It’s become a catch phrase in mobile computing development and marketing, but it could just as easily become standard operating procedure in libraries, archives and museums as our content becomes increasingly geoenabled, using “location intelligence” to liberate our physical information from the confines of our walled spaces. Legislators, funders and planners have …