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Things to Know About Personal Digital Archiving 2014

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Personal Digital Archiving 2014 will be held at the Indiana State Library in Indianapolis, Indiana, April 10-11, 2014.  This is THE conference that raises awareness among individuals, public institutions and private companies engaged in the creation, preservation and ongoing use of personal digital content.  A key overarching topic will be how libraries, archives and other cultural heritage organizations can support personal digital archiving within our own community as well as reaching out to specific communities. We invite you to come out and join the conversation.

The two-day conference will feature a diverse range of presentations on topics such as: archiving and documentation practices of local communities; tools and techniques to process digital archives; investigations of building, managing and archiving scholarly practices and family history archives; and the challenges of communicating personal digital archiving benefits to a variety of audiences. The full list of presentations, lightning talks and posters can be found here.

Tag cloud of PDA14 presentation titles.
Tag cloud of PDA14 presentation titles.

Here are a few quick things to know about upcoming conference:

  • Keynote speakers will explore preservation challenges from the perspectives of both researchers and creators of personal digital information.  Andrea Copeland from the School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University-Purdue, will talk about her research looking into public library users’ digital preservation practices. Charles R. Cross, a music historian & author, will talk about the value of personal archives from a biographers perspective.
  • Adequate infrastructure in many organizations to implement preservation of personal digital records is lacking.  There will be a number of presentations on the practical side of doing personal digital preservation using specific tools and services.  Some will be on consumer-level services that help individuals build their own person digital archives. Other presentations will be from librarians, archivists and researchers who are using certain tools to help their institutions manage personal digital records.
  • Knowledge related to accession, donor or legal requirements, researchers’ interests, and practical preservation strategies for personal digital archives is equally lacking. To help understand some of these issues, practitioners, scholars and individuals from different fields will share their current research on personal digital archiving topics.  For the first time, the conference will feature a panel discussion from contemporary architects and landscape architects talking about preserving their work and transferring it to archives.  This is a community of professionals not regularly represented at the PDA conference and provides a great opportunity to hear about their specific challenges.

Registration is open!  We hope you can join us and explore and help raise awareness of the need for personal digital archiving in your own communities.


  1. I hope the recordings are posted as in previous years! I can’t attend in person but I really enjoyed watching some of the videos and cited to one for a paper recently.

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