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International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly 2014

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This is a guest post by Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress Web Archiving Team Lead and Co-Chair of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Content Working Group

A researcher, a crawl engineer, a program manager and a curator walk into a national library… sounds like the start to a great joke, doesn’t it? But it actually represents a series of meetings and events that we’ll be participating in next week.

Starting Monday, Web archivists and others from around the globe will gather at the annual General Assembly of the International Internet Preservation Consortium. The 2014 General Assembly is hosted by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Institut national de l’Audiovisuel and the Internet Memory Foundation.  The Library of Congress has been a member of the IIPC since it formed in 2003.

iipc-ga-assembly2014It’s a packed schedule, and as in previous years, we kick off the week-long event with a full-day program that is open to the public (though registration closed a few weeks back), Building Modern Research Corpora: the Evolution of Web Archiving and Analytics (pdf). During the day, researchers, librarians, archivists and other digital humanists will exchange ideas, requirements, methods and tools that can be used to collaboratively build and exploit web archive corpora and datasets.

Tuesday we’ll be heading into two-days of IIPC member events, which include working group meetings, discussions on researcher engagement, building collaborative archives, and hearing more from our new members who joined since we met last year.

Thursday we open the GA back up to non-members for a series of workshops (pdf). I’m co-chairing one on Thursday called the Curator Tools Fair, where we’ll take a look at the variety of tools in use to help organizations with the work they do to manage their web archives through the entire lifecycle. On Friday I’ll be attending the “Curating Web Archives: who cares for content?” workshop. We’ll also have representation from the Library at the Crawl Engineers and Operators Workshop, a “Live Archiving Workshop,” and one on “Hyphe: crawling web archives.” The Open Wayback developers group will also meet Friday, and the Steering Committee gathers Saturday for more discussion.

Given that this is our biggest face-to-face event of the year, there are already a number of other dinner and lunchtime meeting to discuss current and future collaborative projects cropping up on my schedule.  Did I mention it was a packed week? No complaints, these are some of my favorite people to work with, and the most productive set of meetings we go to each year.

A full schedule is here. You can follow along during the week on Twitter with the hashtag – #iipcGA14.

And if you’re not already following @netpreserve, do so!

Comments (2)

  1. No live webcast?

  2. There won’t be a live webcast but there will be a video for the open conference will be published during the summer on

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