The National Digital Stewardship Alliance is pleased to announce the release today of the “2015 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship.” The Agenda provides funders, decision‐makers and practitioners with insight into emerging technological trends, gaps in digital stewardship capacity and key areas for research and development to support the work needed to ensure that today’s valuable …
In this interview, part of the Insights Interview series, FADGI talks with Dave Rice and Devon Landes about the QCTools project. In a previous blog post, I interviewed Hannah Frost and Jenny Brice about the AV Artifact Atlas, one of the components of Quality Control Tools for Video Preservation, an NEH-funded project which seeks to …
The following post was authored by Erin Engle, Michelle Gallinger, Butch Lazorchak, Jane Mandelbaum and Trevor Owens from the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress held the 10th annual Designing Storage Architectures for Digital Collections meeting September 22-23, 2014. This meeting is an annual opportunity for invited technical industry experts, IT professionals, digital collections …
The Library of Congress Office of Strategic Initiatives, in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, has recently announced the 2015 National Digital Stewardship Residency program, which will be held in the Washington, DC area starting in June 2015. As you may know (NDSR was well represented on the blog last year), this …
Digital was everywhere at this year’s Society of American Archivists annual meeting. What is particularly exciting is that many of these sessions were practical and pragmatic. That is, many sessions focused on exactly how archivists are meeting the challenge of born-digital records. In one such session, Sibyl Schaefer, Head of Digital Programs at the Rockefeller …
Since 1996 the electronic journal Kairos has published a diverse range of webtexts, scholarly pieces made up of a range of media and hypermedia. The 18 years of digital journal texts are both interesting in their own right and as a collection of complex works of digital scholarship that illustrate a range of sophisticated issues …
The following is a guest post by Chris Prom, Assistant University Archivist and Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I’ll never forget one lesson from my historical methods class at Marquette University. Ronald Zupko–famous for his lecture about the bubonic plague and a natural showman–was expounding on what it means to interrogate primary sources–to cast …
The following is a guest post by Patrick Rourke, an Information Technology Specialist and the newest member of the Library’s Viewshare team. I made my first forays into computing on days when it was too cold, wet or snowy to walk in the woods behind our house, in a room filled with novels, atlases and …
At the Museum is an interview series highlighting the variety of digital collections in museums and the interesting people working to create and preserve these collections. For this installment I interviewed Ellice Engdahl, Digital Collections & Content Manager, and Brian Wilson, Digital Access and Preservation Archivist, at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, Michigan. Sue: Tell us …