How do I know if a digital file/object has been corrupted, changed or altered? Further how can I prove that I know what I have? How can I be confident that the content I am providing is in good condition, complete, or reasonably complete? How do I verify that a file/object has not changed over …
How do we make digital collections available at scale for today’s scholars and researchers? Lisa Green, director of Common Crawl, tackled this and related questions in her keynote address at Digital Preservation 2013. (You can view her slides and watch a video of her talk online.) As a follow up to ongoing discussions of what …
In 2009, a band of rogue digital preservationists called Archive Team did their best to collect and preserve Geocities. The resulting data has became the basis for at least two works of art: Deleted City and One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age. I think the story of this data set and these works offer insights into the …
The following is a guest post from Lee Nilsson, a National Digital Stewardship Resident working with the Repository Development Center at The Library of Congress. The 2014 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship makes a clear-cut case for the development of File Format Action Plans to combat format obsolescence issues. “Now that stewardship organizations are amassing large collections of digital …