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Reminder: NDSA Host Applications due June 30

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NDSA Logo (pms)Is your organization interested in taking a leadership role in the digital stewardship community?  Consider applying to host and perform secretariat duties for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance.

The application process starts with your organization sending a letter of inquiry (up to one page) to the NDSA Coordinating Committee Chair, Micah Altman (escience [at] Follow-up calls and meetings will be scheduled to start a dialogue with the potential hosts about the goals of their organization, the goals of the NDSA and the mutual benefits in a partnership. These conversations with the Coordinating Committee and the potential hosts will continue over the summer with the hope that a selection is made in early August and the transition is made by the end of September.

Do you have questions about what is entailed in the host/secretariat role? Send an email to the NDSA Chair (escience [at] or send a letter of inquiry stating you organization is interested but wants to learn more. The deadline is June 30, 2015.

Read more about the NDSA host/secretariat transition and the full Request for Proposals (RFP, 99K).

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