Five new National Digital Stewardship Residents will be joining the Library in late September 2016. Selected from a competitive pool and representing five different library schools, the residents bring a range of skills and experience in working with digital and archival collections. The NDSR program offers recent graduates an opportunity to gain professional experience under the guidance of a mentor. They will acquire hands-on knowledge and skills in the collection, selection, management, long-term preservation and accessibility of digital assets.
Throughout the year, residents and their mentors will attend digital stewardship workshops at the Library of Congress and at one of their five host institutions in the greater Washington, D.C. region.
- Meredith Broadway of Dallas, Texas, has a Master of Science in Data Curation and Certificate in Special Collections from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a bachelor’s degree from Rhodes College. Meredith will be a resident at the World Bank Group focusing on an assessment framework and appraisal guidelines for identification of data for permanent preservation; a set of analytic process document guidelines to enable documentation of processes used in the collection and analysis of data; and guidelines for linking datasets to related documents and analytical reports.
- Joseph Carrano of Middlebury, Connecticut, has dual Master’s degrees from the University of Maryland in History and Library Science, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut. Joe will be part of a team at the Georgetown University Library developing open-source project guidelines, documentation and workflows for different preservation platforms. He will be involved in all stages of the process of inventory, selection, curation, preparation and ingest of files of all formats.
- Elizabeth England of Washington, DC, has a Masters degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Bachelor’s degree from Drew University. Elizabeth will be a resident in the University Archives at the Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, applying core archival functions such as appraisal, accessioning, processing, preservation, description, and provision of access to a 50 terabyte collection of born-digital photographs, using scripting languages and tools that are vital to manipulating large data sets.
- Amy Gay of Binghamton, New York, has a Masters degree in Library and Information Science from Syracuse University, and a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York, Oneonta. Amy will be a resident at the Food & Drug Administration, Office of Science & Engineering Laboratories, Center for Devices & Radiological Health, working on the “CDRH Science Data Catalogue Pilot”; a joint project to develop a searchable digital catalog for data sets, software code, computational models, images and more as part of federally mandated public access efforts. She will lead catalog content acquisition and curation, as well as refining the metadata schema and taxonomy.
- Megan Potterbusch of Nashville, Tennessee, has a master’s degree from the School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, and a bachelor’s degree from Earlham College. Megan will serve as a resident at the Association of Research Libraries working in partnership with the George Washington University Libraries and the Center for Open Science to prototype the process of linking the output from a university research unit to a library digital repository through the Open Science Framework — an open source tool that integrates and supports research workflow.