I’m excited to share this interview with Lauren Seroka, one of my colleagues in the Digital Content Management Section. My hope with this interview, and the others that we publish here, help spread awareness about the background, experience, and interests of the people that support the Library of Congress in providing enduring access to digital …
In today’s post, Abby Shelton interviews a By the People volunteer, Laura, who has gone above and beyond! By the People is a crowdsourced transcription program launched in 2018 at the Library of Congress. Volunteer-created transcriptions are used to make digitized collections more accessible and discoverable on loc.gov. You can read some other Volunteer Vignettes on the Signal here and here. Abby: What motivates …
This dataset has been re-released as a data package on data.labs.loc.gov/packages. Please see the 2024 blog post announcing its release for more information and updated links. This blog post was co-authored by Chase Dooley (Senior Digital Collections Specialist) and Tracee Haupt (Digital Collections Specialist), members of the Library’s Web Archiving Team. The Library’s Web …
This post is cross-posted from the Library blog Of the People: Widening the Path. We are delighted to introduce Marya McQuirter, the new program director for the Connecting Communities Digital Initiative (CCDI). CCDI is a four-year program encouraging creative uses of the Library’s digital collections to center the histories, lives and experiences of Black, Indigenous …
If you have looked up an e-book in the Library of Congress catalog in the past year, you might have noticed that a range of catalog records for e-books now include links to something called Stacks. And even if you haven’t had the occasion to, I’ve provided a screenshot of one below – the catalog …
The Library of Congress is looking for a creative dreamer and doer to serve as its next Innovator in Residence. Through May 2nd, 2022, the Library is inviting researchers, artists, and bold thinkers of all types to propose imaginative new experiments designed to open the Library’s vast treasure chest and connect its digital collections with …