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Library of Congress Opens Search for Next Innovator in Residence

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The Library of Congress is looking for a creative dreamer and doer to serve as its next Innovator in Residence. Through May 2nd, 2022, the Library is inviting researchers, artists, and bold thinkers of all types to propose imaginative new experiments designed to open the Library’s vast treasure chest and connect its digital collections with Congress and the public. The 2022 Library of Congress Innovator in Residence will work with the Library’s Digital Innovation Lab (LC Labs) to bring their proposal to life, and help the Library explore new ways to use its content to connect with all Americans.

The Innovator in Residence program is part of the Library’s multifaceted effort to harness advanced technology and transformational experimentation in its daily mission. Previous Innovator in Residence experiments include Brian Foo’s Citizen DJ music mixing tool, the Newspaper Navigator historic periodicals search application from Benjamin Charles Lee, Jer Thorp’s Serendipity Engine, and Courtney McClellan’s public art project Speculative Annotation, which launched last year.

Those interested in applying to be the next Library of Congress Innovator in Residence are asked to submit a concept paper detailing their envisioned creative initiative. The digital work(s) could tell an engaging story and prompt deeper inquiry, demonstrate a new method of discovering Library items, or present free-to-use items and tools to enable creative remixing and reuse. Examples of digital mediums include web applications, visualizations, and multimedia works that enable the public to experience meaningful connections with the Library’s materials.

After reviewing concept papers, the Library will invite select applicants to submit full proposals for the Innovator in Residence program. The selected Innovator will be funded up to $80,000 per year for a maximum of two years. Once appointed in September 2022, the Innovator in Residence may work the majority of their residency remotely and will have access to both publicly available and on-site only Library collections. The Innovator will also be provided with program and research support throughout their residency.

Established in 2017, the Innovator in Residence program allows creatives to work directly with LC Labs and subject matter experts across the Library to develop short-term research concepts and experiments. The aim of this work is to encourage greater public engagement with the Library and develop one-of-a-kind experiences that promote deeper insight into the collections and showcase their creative uses.

To learn more about how to submit a concept paper for the 2022 Innovator in Residence program, visit the LC Labs Innovator in Residence information page.

Interested applicants are encouraged to attend an information webinar about this opportunity on April 7th, 2022 at 3:00pm ET or April 13th, 2022 at 4:00pm ET. Links to register can be found on the LC Labs Innovator in Residence information page.

Questions submitted as comments on this blog post will not be answered. Any questions about this opportunity must be emailed to [email protected] by April 18th, 2022. The email shall include this BAA number (030ADV22R0041) and “BAA Innovator in Residence” in the subject line. The Library will provide answers to questions periodically by issuing amendments to this announcement, and will keep a running list of questions and answers on the LC Labs website.

We can’t wait to see your imaginative pitches for this residency!!

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