The following is a guest post by Barrett Jones, Program Specialist for the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education initiative at the Library. Right now as I type this post, there is a two-hour Introduction to Digital Preservation online course available from the State Library of North Carolina Digital Information Management Program. On July 25th there’s …
The following is a guest post by Abbey Potter, Program Officer, NDIIPP, and Communications Officer, IIPC. You’ve no doubt heard this catch phrase made popular by Tim Gunn from the reality competition show Project Runway. It is the advice he gives harried contestants who are trying to create a fabulous dress in under two hours …
I was recently asked a question that I had never considered before: If I wanted to create a digital time capsule, how would I ensure that it is usable in twenty or fifty or more years? The International Time Capsule Society provides tips on creating a physical capsule. But what about the digital? At its …
After launching on May 31, “The Signal” had a strong first month. We published 27 posts and are pleased to have had over 60 comments during June. The blog appears to reach a broad audience, which is exactly what we hoped for. Staff wrote about digital preservation outreach events, significant reports and publications, data forensics …
The following is a guest post by Kristin Snawder, a 2011 Junior Fellow working with NDIIPP. When I came to the Library I never imagined that my first project would be to face off with the hard issues underlining digital preservation policy development. Policy development was new to me, and the task seemed daunting. But …
The following is a guest post by Jimi Jones, Audio-Visual Specialist, NDIIPP. A correction was made to this post on July 7, 2011. “What’s the best digital video file format for preservation?” Finding appropriate digital preservation file formats for audiovisual materials is not an easy task. While much of the recorded sound preservation realm has …
The following is a guest post by Trevor Owens, Digital Archivist with the Office of Strategic Initiatives. For my first post, I wanted to introduce readers to Recollection, a free and open tool NDIIPP is working on. Recollection is a free, open source platform that lets archivists, librarians, scholars and curators create easy to navigate …
Nowadays when we prepare a will, we have the added responsibility of leaving instructions to our loved ones about what to do with our online things after we die. Bequeathing has grown more complicated. Much of our online content consists of our writings – email, text, tweets, blogs, wikis and more – and our loved …
The following is a guest post from Ellen O’Donnell, Senior Technical Writer, on assignment to the Office of Strategic Initiatives from the National Institutes of Health. Staffs of digital preservation programs from around the world gathered at an historic conference in Tallinn, Estonia, in May 2011, to share information and build strategic collaborations to help …