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Category: Education and Training

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Register for CURATEcamp: Digital Culture, July 24th

Posted by: Trevor Owens

Alongside this year’s Digital Preservation 2014 meeting, I am excited to announce that we will also be playing host to a CURATEcamp unconference focused on exploring the collecting, preserving and providing access to records of digital culture. For those unfamiliar with unconferences, the key idea is that the participants define the agenda and that there …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

File Format Action Plans in Theory and Practice

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The following is a guest post from Lee Nilsson, a National Digital Stewardship Resident working with the Repository Development Center at The Library of Congress.  The 2014 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship makes a clear-cut case for the development of File Format Action Plans to combat format obsolescence issues. “Now that stewardship organizations are amassing large collections of digital …