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Category: Inside the Library

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An Abundant Crop: The End of Term Harvest

Posted by: Susan Manus

The following is a guest post by Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress Web Archiving Team Lead A previous post described the End of Term collaborative web archive. Well, when we say collaborative, we mean it. This year, our call for volunteers brought forward Associate Professor Debbie Rabina and her fabulous students at Pratt, who identified …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Read All About It! An Update on the National Digital Newspaper Program

Posted by: Susan Manus

Here at the Library of Congress, there are many projects underway to digitize and make available vast amounts of historic, archival material.  One such project is the National Digital Newspaper Program, providing access to millions of pages from historic newspapers (a previous blog post provides an introduction).  Deb Thomas, NDNP program coordinator here at the …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Potential Residency Hosts Invited to Library of Congress

Posted by: Susan Manus

The following is a guest post by Ali Fazal and Claudia Martinez, both HACU interns with the Library’s Office of Strategic Initiatives. The National Digital Stewardship Residency program held a meeting with potential host institutions on Friday, September 21st. This program, which was created by the Library of Congress, Office of Strategic Initiatives, and the Institute …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Collaborating to Identify Government or Election-related Websites to Preserve

Posted by: Susan Manus

The following is a guest post by Abbie Grotke, Web Archiving Team Lead. Is a U.S. Government website or part of a site you use or know about at risk of disappearing? Is there a website related to the 2012 U.S. Elections that you think should be preserved? Always dreamed of contributing to a collaborative …