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Category: NDSA

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Survey: How Do You Approach Web Archiving?

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Do you have fifteen minutes to tell the National Digital Stewardship Alliance about your organization’s web archiving activities? If the answer is yes, please contribute to the NDSA Web Archiving Survey. By filling out this short survey, your institution will be part of a multi-year project to track the evolution of web archiving programs in …

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Digital Library Federation to Host National Digital Stewardship Alliance

Posted by: Abbey Potter

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance announced that it has selected the Digital Library Federation (DLF), a program of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), to serve as NDSA’s institutional home starting in January 2016. The selection and announcement follows a nationwide search and evaluation of cultural heritage, membership, and technical service organizations, in …

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Seeking Comment on Migration Checklist

Posted by: Abbey Potter

The NDSA Infrastructure Working Group’s goals are to identify and share emerging practices around the development and maintenance of tools and systems for the curation, preservation, storage, hosting, migration, and similar activities supporting the long term preservation of digital content. One of the ways the IWG strives to achieve their goals is to collaboratively develop …

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SAA Awards NDSA for Outstanding Published Work

Posted by: Abbey Potter

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance has been awarded a special commendation in the Preservation Publication category for the 2015 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship from the Society of American Archivists. The award recognize outstanding published work related to archives preservation, and was presented as part of the 2015 SAA annual conference in Cleveland, Ohio. “The …

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Digital Preservation Infrastructure Tours: The Bentley Historical Library

Posted by: Abbey Potter

To better understand how organizations working to ensure long-term access to digital content are meeting the challenges of digital stewardship, the NDSA Infrastructure Working Group is running a new series of interviews. In each of these, we ask individuals to answer questions about their organization and the technologies and tools they use to serve as …

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Reminder: NDSA Host Applications due June 30

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Is your organization interested in taking a leadership role in the digital stewardship community?  Consider applying to host and perform secretariat duties for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance. The application process starts with your organization sending a letter of inquiry (up to one page) to the NDSA Coordinating Committee Chair, Micah Altman (escience [at] …

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National Digital Stewardship Alliance Seeking New Host Organization

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Request For Proposals: Organizational Host for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Founded in 2010, the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) is a consortium of institutions that are committed to the long-term preservation of digital information. NDSA’s mission is to establish, maintain and advance the capacity to preserve digital resources for the benefit of present and …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Teaching and Learning About Digital Stewardship

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Gaining the knowledge, skills and experience required to manage digital assets and provide access to them over time can sometimes feel like trying to hit a moving target. Almost all heritage organizations now have a responsibility to steward some kind of digital content be it e-books or journals, digitized materials, electronic records, digital photographs, data …