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Category: NDSR

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Lowering barriers to using collections in an NDSR workshop with Shawn Averkamp

Posted by: Meghan Ferriter

This is a guest post by Charlotte Kostelic, National Digital Stewardship Resident with the Library of Congress and Royal Collection Trust for the Georgian Papers Programme. Her project focuses on exploring ways to optimize access and use among related digital collections held at separate institutions. This work has included a comparative analysis of international metadata …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Automating Digital Archival Processing at Johns Hopkins University

Posted by: Abbey Potter

This is a guest post from Elizabeth England, National Digital Stewardship Resident, and Eric Hanson, Digital Content Metadata Specialist, at Johns Hopkins University.  Elizabeth: In my National Digital Stewardship Residency at Johns Hopkins University’s Sheridan Libraries, I am responsible for a digital preservation project addressing a large backlog (about 50 terabytes) of photographs documenting the university’s …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Developing a Digital Preservation Infrastructure at Georgetown University Library

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

This is a guest post by Joe Carrano, a resident in the National Digital Stewardship Residency program. The Joseph Mark Lauinger Memorial Library is at home among the many Brutalist-style buildings in and around Washington, D.C. This granite-chip aggregate structure, the main library at Georgetown University, houses a moderate-sized staff that provides critical information needs …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Spotlighting Research Data: Building Relationships with Outreach for the NYU Data Catalog

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

This is a guest post by Nicole Contaxis, Data Catalog Coordinator at NYU Health Sciences Library. You can email her at [email protected]. An increasing number of publishers and grant-funding organizations are requiring researchers to share their data, so libraries and other institutions are creating tools and strategies to support researchers in this effort. To meet …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Using Three-Dimensional Modeling to Preserve Cultural Heritage

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

This is a guest post by Elizabeth England, a resident in the National Digital Stewardship Residency program. In recent years, a few news stories focused on the use of digital tools in preserving cultural heritage three-dimensional objects, stories such as the printed reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria and the construction of a …