The following is a guest post by 2025 Innovator in Residence Vivian Li, an illustrator, comics artist and web developer from Macomb, Illinois who currently lives in Seattle. As someone who has lived in both rural Illinois and bustling Seattle, I was shocked that I could find really cool items about both locations on the …
The following is a guest post by Library of Congress Innovator in Residence Jeffrey Yoo Warren. You can read more about his residency project, Seeing Lost Enclaves, in previous blog posts and on the experiment page. This past May was a big month for the Seeing Lost Enclaves project, but one day in particular was the most …
Today’s guest post is from Lauren Algee, a Senior Digital Collections Specialist in the Digital Content Management Section and a By the People community manager.** Douglass Day 2024 marked the busiest day in the history of By the People, the Library of Congress’s crowdsourced transcription program. The transcribe-a-thon for the Frederick Douglass Papers was groundbreaking …
This is a guest blog post by Library of Congress Innovator in Residence Jeffrey Yoo Warren in conversation with Vic Xu, an anti-disciplinary artist whose work explores the potential of storytelling to create room for counter-histories and counter-archives, and Vuthy Lay, who draws from the language of the everyday to create work that flows between …
Today’s guest post is from Abbie Grotke (Assistant Head of the Digital Content Management section), Grace Bicho (Senior Digital Collections Specialist), Lauren Baker (Senior Digital Collections Specialist), and Abbey Potter (Senior Innovation Specialist), all from the Library of Congress. In May, the Library of Congress sent four representatives to the 2023 Web Archiving Conference and …
Today’s guest post is from Kate Murray, Digital Projects Coordinator in Digital Collections Management and Services and Charles Hosale at American Folklife Center, both from the Library of Congress. I have said more than once that ‘FADGI’, pronounced ‘fah-gee’ and short for the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative, is a terrible acronym (Charles quips “Hey, …
In this guest post, Kathleen O'Neill, Senior Archives Specialist in the Manuscript Division, announces the launch of a new workstation in the Library's Manuscript Division reading room.
What is your earliest memory of the internet? The Web Archiving Team and our colleagues in the Digital Content Management Section asked this question during an open house for attendees of the American Library Association’s annual conference, where we had a table set up to share information about our work. As an ice breaker, we …
On May 23, the Library of Congress hosted “#WhyWebArchiving: Preserving Internet Content for Research Use,” a virtual event that brought together Library subject experts actively involved in building web archives with researchers that have utilized the Library’s web archives in their work. The event kicked-off the 2022 Web Archiving Conference, which the Library co-hosted with …