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Category: Outreach and Events

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Digital Preservation Best Practices Exchange Meeting Set for December 4-6

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

This year’s Best Practices Exchange will take place on December 4-6 in Annapolis, MD.  The Maryland State Archives has graciously agreed to host the meeting. BPE meetings focus on the management of digital information in state government, and bring together practitioners to discuss real-world experiences, including tools, services and lessons learned.  The meetings have taken …

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Digital Preservation: Fighting the Battle for Fleeting Attention

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

Advertisers and economists talk about a concept known as the value proposition. It refers to what makes a product or service valuable to others. In the context of how preserving institutions communicate, the value proposition bluntly asks:  why should anyone pay attention to what an organization has to say?  When we talk about digital preservation, …

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DigitalPreservation 2012: Annual NDIIPP Meeting Set for July 24-26

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

Since 2005, the Library of Congress has hosted annual meetings with digital preservation partners, collaborators and others committed to keeping a record of our time.  The meetings have served as a forum for sharing information about concepts, tools and  best practices, and have also helped promote a vibrant community of practice.  We are pleased to …

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Preserving Your Personal Digital Photographs: Library of Congress Presents Online Session

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

Do you wonder if cloud storage is a good option for your personal digital photographs?  Do you have questions about metadata and file formats?  Are you uneasy about the prospects of keeping your digital photos available for yourself and your family into the future?  If so, you have lots of company. On April 26, over …

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Hurry–Send us Your Ideas for DigitalPreservation 2012, July 24-26

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

DigitalPreservation 2012 is scheduled for July 24-26, and will be held in the Washington, DC, area. The theme is access to digital content under stewardship. We are lining up exciting keynote speakers and looking forward to a lively exchange of ideas. Our annual summer meeting of NDIIPP partners, National Digital Stewardship Alliance members and interested …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

NDIIPP at SXSW: Digital Immortals and the Hipster Halo Effect

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

NDIIPP managed to acquire a brief hipster sheen at the recent South by Southwest gathering in Austin, TX. The annual SXSW event bills itself as “the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies,” and “the premier destination for discovery.” To my admittedly unpracticed eye, the event indeed looked like it lives at …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Visualizing Digital Preservation Workflows

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

Yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting Steps in a Digital Preservation Workflow as part of the American Library Association/Association for Library Collections and Technical Services Online Learning program.  I talked about planning and building a staged process for preserving digital information in a cultural heritage context. Part of what I covered relates to ideas …