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Category: Outreach and Events

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Diving into Branch Rickey: Using a dataset of crowdsourced transcriptions as a tool for open research

Posted by: Carlyn Osborn

Today’s blog post is from Abby Shelton and Lauren Seroka, two Digital Collections Specialists in the Digital Content Management Section here at the Library of Congress. Abby and Lauren discuss their work with the University of Michigan School of Information’s Ann Arbor Data Dive earlier this year. On March 27, 1956, Branch Rickey wrote of baseball …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Can you help? Seeking people to take part in user research

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Experimenting toward the Digital Strategy In LC Labs we work collaboratively across the Library of Congress, and with external partners, to advance and the agency’s Digital Strategy. We do this through experimentation, engagement and research. We try approaches and explore technologies that could help us connect with users, share our resources in new ways, and …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

That’s a wrap! 2020 Staff Innovator detail comes to a close

Posted by: Eileen J. Manchester

A reflection on the 2020 Staff Innovator detail from an LC Labs team member, shared in the hopes that some of the lessons we learned from this cross-institutional partnership may be applicable to other institutions and interesting to our readers! 

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Connect with The Signal at the 2020 National Book Festival

Posted by: Carlyn Osborn

By the People at the National Book Festival Tomorrow, Friday 9/25, marks the beginning of the 20th Library of Congress National Book Festival! Representatives from across the Library will be hosting festival-goers via virtual booths, where visitors can connect with their favorite Library programs and collections. A member of the By the People team will be …