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Category: Outreach and Events

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Explore Innovative Ideas Across the Digital Information Landscape at Digital Preservation 2013

Posted by: Erin Engle

We like to think (and hope) that our blog The Signal acts as an informative resource from which to learn and engage in conversations of digital preservation work.  We hope that it exposes you to interesting projects and people stewarding digital collections, and that it creates opportunities to expose you to the wider community of …

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IIPC @10

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Late in April, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the International Internet Preservation Consortium gathered for its annual General Assembly. This year is the 10th anniversary of the organization, and we marked the milestone by reflecting on our past accomplishments and thinking about how the members could work together to make positive and lasting impacts on the field of …

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Ian MacKaye and Citizen Archiving

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

I think of “citizen archivists” as the first responders of history, arriving early on the scene to gather, capture, describe and preserve ephemeral artifacts of interest and helping to ensure that they survive over time to share with the future. Thoughts on citizen archivists and their importance to institutions like ours were running through my …

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New Video: Digital Preservation at the Library of Congress’s Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

We produce occasional short videos  related to digital preservation. These videos address such topics as personal digital archiving, adding descriptions to digital photographs and the K-12 Web Archiving program, to name a few. Our newest video profiles one of the Library of Congress’s most magnificent treasures: the Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation, located in …

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Pass it On: Preservation Week 2013 at the Library of Congress

Posted by: Erin Engle

We are excited to host a number of events in celebration of ALA’s Preservation Week (April 21-27, 2013) here at the Library of Congress next week.  We’ve collaborated with the Preservation Directorate and the Veteran’s History Project on programs to provide in-person guidance and help to those interested in saving their personal collections — digital …

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Digital Humanities and Digital Preservation

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

This past April 8 was the 2013 “Day of Digital Humanities.”  Started in 2010, this is an annual event of blogging and tweeting about the experience of digital humanities by graduate students, professors, alt-academics, librarians and other participants who identify with the field.  And “the field” of Digital Humanities can be whatever you define it …

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Why a National Digital Stewardship Alliance Student Group?

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

This is a guest post by Kim Schroeder, Wayne State University Lecturer and WSU NDSA Student Group Faculty Advisor. Sometimes a professional conference offers you nothing new. Sometimes it changes your direction. Sometimes and perhaps more critically, it confirms your route. I suppose I look at the NDSA as my professional Global Positioning System. Since …

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Nominations Now Open for the 2013 NDSA Innovation Awards

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group is proud to open the nominations for the 2013 NDSA Innovation Awards. As a diverse membership group with a shared commitment to digital preservation, the NDSA understands the importance of innovation and risk-taking in developing and supporting a broad range of successful digital preservation activities. These awards …