We’ve started planning our annual meeting, Digital Preservation 2014, which will be held July 22-24 in the Washington, DC area, and we want to hear from you! Any organization or individual with an interest in digital stewardship can propose ideas for potential inclusion in the meeting. The Library of Congress has hosted annual meetings with …
The following is a guest post by Julia Blase, National Digital Stewardship Resident at the National Security Archive. In case you hadn’t heard, the ALA Midwinter Meeting took place in Philadelphia last weekend, attended by around 12,000 librarians and exhibitors. If you didn’t attend, or didn’t have friends there to take notes for you, the Twitter …
Here’s a simple experiment that involves asking an average person two questions. Question one is: “how do you feel about physical books?” Question two is: “how do you feel about digital data?” The first question almost surely will quickly elicit warm, positive exclamations about a life-long relationship with books, including the joy of using and …
The Library Company of Philadelphia will be hosting Philadelphia’s first National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Regional Meeting and Unconference on January 23 and 24. This is part of an initiative across the country for NDSA member organizations to host day-long events, or “NDSA Regional Meetings,” that provide networking and collaboration opportunities for members and highlight the work of …