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Category: Outreach and Events

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The Signal is Evolving

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

When The Signal debuted in 2011, its focus was exclusively on the challenge of digital preservation, which is why its URL was The Signal was a forum for news and information about digital preservation — unique problems and solutions, standards, collaborations and achievements. The Signal’s authors interviewed leaders in the field, profiled colleagues and …

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Announcing the 2015 Innovation Award Winners

Posted by: Erin Engle

On behalf of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group, I am excited to announce the 2015 NDSA Innovation Award winners! This year, the annual innovation awards committee reviewed over thirty exceptional nominations from across the country. Awardees were selected based on how their work or their project’s whose goals or outcomes represent an …

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Five Questions for the Smithsonian Institution Archives’ Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post from Michael Neubert, a supervisory digital projects specialist at the Library of Congress. In February of this year I wrote a post here about an collaborative effort of representatives of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Government Publishing Office (GPO), and the Library of Congress to work …

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The Personal Digital Archiving 2015 Conference

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

The annual Personal Digital Archiving conference is about preserving any digital collection that falls outside the purview of large cultural institutions. Considering the expanding range of interests at each subsequent PDA conference, the meaning of the word “personal” has become thinly stretched to cover topics such as family history, community history, genealogy and digital humanities. New York …

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How to Participate in the September 2015 NDSA New England Regional Meeting

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post by Kevin Powell, digital preservation librarian at Brown University. On September 25th, UMass Dartmouth will host the National Digital Stewardship Alliance New England Regional Meeting with Brown University. We enthusiastically encourage librarians, archivists, preservation specialists, knowledge managers, and anyone else with an interest in digital stewardship and preservation to …

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We Welcome Our Email Overlords: Highlights from the Archiving Email Symposium

Posted by: Kate Murray

This post is co-authored with Erin Engle, a Digital Archivist in the Office of Strategic Initiatives. Despite the occasional death knell claims, email is alive, well and exponentially thriving in many organizations. It’s become an increasingly complex challenge for collecting and memory institutions as we struggle with the same issues: How is email processed differently …

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Dodge that Memory Hole: Saving Digital News

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Newspapers are some of the most-used collections at libraries. They have been carefully selected and preserved and represent what is often referred to as “the first draft of history.” Digitized historical newspapers provide broad and rich access to a community’s past, enabling new kinds of inquiry and research. However, these kinds of resources are at …

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Checking in with NGAC and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

Several times a year I attend meetings of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, a federal advisory committee that reports to the chair of the Federal Geographic Data Committee. The NGAC pulls together participants from across academia, the private sector and all levels of government to advise the Federal government on geospatial policy and ways to …

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Digital Preservation in Mid-Michigan: An Interview with Ed Busch

Posted by: Erin Engle

Conferences, meetings and meet-ups are important networking and collaboration events that allow librarians and archivists to share digital stewardship experiences. While national conferences and meetings offer strong professional development opportunities, regional and local meetings offer opportunities for practitioners to connect and network with a local community of practice. In a previous blog post, Kim Schroeder, …