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Category: Partners and Collaboration

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

“Volun-peers” Help Liberate Smithsonian Digital Collections

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

The Smithsonian Transcription Center creates indexed, searchable text by means of crowdsourcing…or as Meghan Ferriter, project coordinator at the TC describes it, “harnessing the endless curiosity and goodwill of the public.” As of the end of the current fiscal year, 7,060 volunteers at the TC have transcribed 208,659 pages. The scope, planning and execution of the …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Digital Collections and Data Science

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

Researchers, of varying technical abilities, are increasingly applying data science tools and methods to digital collections. As a result, new ways are emerging for processing and analyzing the digital collections’ raw material — the data. For example, instead of pondering one single digital item at a time – such as a news story, photo or …