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Category: Partners and Collaboration

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Computational Linguistics & Social Media Data: An Interview with Bryan Routledge

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The following is a guest post from Julia Fernandez, this year’s NDIIPP Junior Fellow. Julia has a background in American studies and working with folklife institutions and worked on a range of projects leading up to CurateCamp Digital Culture last week. This is part of an ongoing series of interviews Julia is conducting to better …

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Digital Studies Fellowship Opportunity at the Library of Congress

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress has announced a new set of Kluge Fellowship in Digital Studies to examine the impact of the digital revolution on society, culture and international relations using the Library’s collections and resources. I am thrilled to have the chance to talk with Jason Steinhauer, Program Specialist …

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What’s a Nice English Professor Like You Doing in a Place Like This: An Interview With Matthew Kirschenbaum

Posted by: Trevor Owens

I’ve talked about Matthew Kirschenbaum’s work in a range of posts on digital objects here on The Signal. It seemed like it would be valuable to delve deeper into some of those discussions here in an interview. If you are unfamiliar, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University …

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NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation @ USGS: An interview with John Faundeen

Posted by: Trevor Owens

A few months back  several members of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s Levels of Digital Preservation team presented a short paper at Archiving 2013, The NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation: An Explanation and Uses. While the Levels of Digital Preservation will continue to be refined and improved we are thrilled to report that they are …

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Reframing Art Resources for the Digital Age: An Interview with Stephen Bury & Lily Pregill of the New York Art Resources Consortium

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The following is a guest post by Jefferson Bailey, Strategic Initiatives Manager at Metropolitan New York Library Council, National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group co-chair and a former Fellow in the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Initiatives. In this installment of our ongoing interview series with new members of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance, …

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Born Digital Archival Materials at NYPL: An Interview with Donald Mennerich

Posted by: Trevor Owens

I’m excited to chat with Donald Mennerich, a Digital Archivist at the New York Public Library, as part of our Insights series. Insights is an occasional feature sharing interviews and conversations between National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group members and individuals involved with projects related to preservation, access and stewardship of digital information. Donald …

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Challenges in the Curation of Time Based Media Art: An Interview with Michael Mansfield

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The following interview is a guest post from Jose (Ricky) Padilla, an intern with the NDIIPP program working on issues related to software preservation and the innovation and infrastructure working groups of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance. This time in the Insights Interviews series we get the chance to speak with Michael Mansfield, an associate curator …

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Nominations Now Open for the 2013 NDSA Innovation Awards

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group is proud to open the nominations for the 2013 NDSA Innovation Awards. As a diverse membership group with a shared commitment to digital preservation, the NDSA understands the importance of innovation and risk-taking in developing and supporting a broad range of successful digital preservation activities. These awards …

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Islandora’s Open Source Ecosystem and Digital Preservation: An Interview with Mark Leggott

Posted by: Trevor Owens

Open source software is playing an important role in digital stewardship. In an effort to better understand the role open source software is playing, the NDSA infrastructure working group is reaching out to folks working on a range of open source projects. Our goal is to develop a better understanding of their work and how …