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Category: Partners and Collaboration

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The Library of Congress joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Posted by: Carlyn Osborn

Today’s guest post is from Kate Murray, a Digital Projects Coordinator in the Digital Collections and Services Division at the Library of Congress. Digital information drives our economy, spurs our culture, and connects our community. But it requires special care to ensure that our expanding archives of digital information will be there for the future. …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Sprinting toward a Lab: defining, connecting and writing a book in five days

Posted by: Abbey Potter

A lab is where experimental and research-focused tools, methods, and services are incubated. The starting premise for a lab is often wanting to spur change and make space for new practice and new people. Yet calling something a lab can also signal separation between traditional services and new approaches. Labs, and innovation in general, can …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Announcing International Collaborations on Digital Scholarship in Cultural Institutions

Posted by: Abbey Potter

The following is an announcement from funding and cultural organizations from the United States and the United Kingdom about a new collaboration supporting digital scholarship.  The Library of Congress Labs team is co-hosting a workshop to kick-off international collaborations around digital scholarship. Partners in the UK and the US are coming together to collaborate on the …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Creative Technologist and 2018 Papamarkou Chair Tahir Hemphill Looks Back on his Year in the Archives

Posted by: Jaime Mears

This is a guest post from Tahir Hemphill, the 2018 Harissios Papamarkou Chair in Education at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress. The Labs team first met Tahir – a creative technologist, educator and radical archivist – when we invited him to speak at our Collections as Data: Impact conference about his …