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Category: Partners and Collaboration

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Activist Archivists and Digital Preservation

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

Over the past year, Howard Besser and Activist Archivists have been doing innovative work that extends beyond the technological aspects of digital preservation to include elements of sociology, cultural sensitivity, local politics, community advocacy and more. Their work centers around a new kind of collection that didn’t exist until recent years: digital content on a massive …

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Communities of Practice Make it Possible: Digital Preservation at Smaller Institutions

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post by Jennifer Gunter King, Director, Harold F. Johnson Library, Hampshire College. In July, scholars, entrepreneurs and digital preservation practitioners gathered in Arlington, Va., for the annual meeting of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program and the National Digital Stewardship Alliance, DigitalPreservation 2012. NDIIPP program management director Martha …

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New Web Archiving Resources

Posted by: Abbey Potter

The launch of a new web site is the perfect opportunity for an organization to revamp itself. Information is refreshed and updated, new initiatives are touted while old content and projects get shuffled out of plain sight. Graphics and architectures change to better meet user needs and underlying technologies allow for easier management. Even an …

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Sharing, Theft, and Creativity: deviantART’s Share Wars and How an Online Arts Community Thinks About Their Work

Posted by: Trevor Owens

Dan Perkel is a Design Researcher at IDEO. Last year, he finished is doctoral work at Berkley’s iSchool. His dissertation, Making Art, Creating Infrastructure: deviantART and the Production of the Web, involved an extensive ethnographic study of deviantART, a massive online community site built around sharing digital art. As part of our on going Insights …

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The AIMS Project and the Stewardship of Born-Digital Archival Materials: An interview with Bradley Daigle

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The five recipients of the inaugural NDSA innovation awards are exemplars of the creativity, diversity, and collaboration essential to supporting the digital preservation community as it works to preserve and make available digital materials. In an effort to learn more and share the work of the individuals, projects and institutions who won these awards I …

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Students Saving Sounds: An Interview with Anthony Cocciolo

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The five recipients of the inaugural NDSA awards are exemplars of the creativity, diversity, and collaboration essential to supporting the digital community as it works to preserve and make available digital materials. In an effort to learn more and share the work of the individuals, projects and institutions who won these awards I am excited …

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Back to School: Students Archiving the Web

Posted by: Erin Engle

“Do you remember how we did things back when your great great grandma or grandpa [were alive]? We had moved Native Americans from their homelands, so we could have more and more land for ourselves.” The above reference describes the Whitefish Middle School’s Montana Indian Tribes, Modern Life, 2010-2011 Web Archiving Collection. This unique collection, …

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More Product, Less Process for Born-Digital Collections: Reflections on CurateCamp Processing

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The following is a guest post from  Meg Phillips, Electronic Records Lifecycle Coordinator for the National Archives and Records Administration. “What’s the bare minimum I can responsibly do with my electronic stuff?” was one of the central questions on the table at  CurateCamp Processing. The unconference,  focused on Processing Data / Processing Collections, was a …