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Category: Partners and Collaboration

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Preserving News Apps

Posted by: Leslie Johnston

On Sunday, March 2, I had the opportunity to attend an OpenNews Hack Day event at the Newseum in Washington DC, sponsored by Knight-mozilla OpenNews, PopUp Archive, and the Newseum.  The event was held in conjunction with the NICAR (National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting) conference on working with datasets and developing interactive applications in journalism. …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

New NDSA Report: The Benefits and Risks of the PDF/A-3 File Format for Archival Institutions

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

We’re lucky in the digital stewardship community that our challenges tend to be non life-threatening. Still, when we get fired up about something there is guaranteed to be spirited debate and passionate advocacy on all sides. Such was the case with the release of the PDF/A-3 file format specification in October 2012. We wrote about …

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2014 NDSA Philly Regional Meeting: January 23-24

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post by Nicole Scalessa, IT manager at The Library Company of Philadelphia, an NDSA member. Digital stewardship is a prime topic for small institutions trying to keep pace with the increasing demands for digital content. The Library Company of Philadelphia, a special collections library founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1731, …

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Call for Proposals: Digital Preservation 2014

Posted by: Erin Engle

We’ve started planning our annual meeting, Digital Preservation 2014, which will be held July 22-24 in the Washington, DC area, and we want to hear from you!  Any organization or individual with an interest in digital stewardship can propose ideas for potential inclusion in the meeting. The Library of Congress has hosted annual meetings with …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Wikipedia: The Go-to Source for Information About Digital Preservation?

Posted by: Erin Engle

The following is a guest post from Andrea Goethals, Digital Preservation and Repository Services Manager at the Harvard University Library, with contributions from Stephen Paul Davis, Director of Columbia University Libraries Digital Program Division and Kate Zwaard, Supervisory IT Specialist, Repository Development, Library of Congress. Andrea and Kate co-chair the NDSA Standards and Practices Working …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Three Reasons You’ll Want to Attend the NDSA Philadelphia Regional Meeting, January 23-24

Posted by: Erin Engle

The Library Company of Philadelphia will be hosting Philadelphia’s first National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Regional Meeting and Unconference on January 23 and 24.  This is part of an initiative across the country for NDSA member organizations to host day-long events, or “NDSA Regional Meetings,” that provide networking and collaboration opportunities for members and highlight the work of …