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Category: Personal Archiving

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Preserving Your Personal Digital Photographs: Library of Congress Presents Online Session

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

Do you wonder if cloud storage is a good option for your personal digital photographs?  Do you have questions about metadata and file formats?  Are you uneasy about the prospects of keeping your digital photos available for yourself and your family into the future?  If so, you have lots of company. On April 26, over …

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The April 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is Now Available

Posted by: Erin Engle

The April 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available. In this issue: *Nominations being accepted for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Awards *How Many Libraries of Congress Does it Take? A look at an unusual unit of measurement *What’s the Value of A Broken Link? *Becoming Digital, Or, What Comes …

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The Challenge of Teaching Personal Archiving

Posted by: Mike Ashenfelder

The following is a guest post by Ellysa Stern Cahoy, Education & Behavioral Sciences Librarian Instruction Coordinator, Penn State University Libraries. “What’s in your library?” I love to ask this question of the college students that I teach, as they are (whether they realize it or not) continually building their own personal libraries on their …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Becoming Digital, Or, What Comes Before The Preservation?

Posted by: Susan Manus

As the NDIIPP program name indicates, our mission is focused on digital preservation.  That is, preserving material once it’s in digital form.   And by our own definition, digital preservation is “the active management of digital content over time to ensure ongoing access.” There is also a separate, but related, concept, addressed by the question, “How …

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NDIIPP at SXSW: Digital Immortals and the Hipster Halo Effect

Posted by: Bill LeFurgy

NDIIPP managed to acquire a brief hipster sheen at the recent South by Southwest gathering in Austin, TX. The annual SXSW event bills itself as “the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies,” and “the premier destination for discovery.” To my admittedly unpracticed eye, the event indeed looked like it lives at …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

The March 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is Now Available

Posted by: Erin Engle

March 2012 marks the fourth anniversary of our Digital Preservation Newsletter.  With this issue, we’ve updated our look and feel. But you’ll notice that our content remains focused on providing current information for the digital preservation community. Thanks to all of our over 18,000 subscribers for your support! In this issue: *Check out the …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Personal Digital Archiving: An Interview with Jordan Fields of the Kansas City Public Library

Posted by: Susan Manus

Here in the Library’s digital preservation program, we have become more and more active in the realm of personal digital archiving (and see our related blog posts on the subject here).  So it’s of great interest to us when we hear about other such activities happening in libraries around the country.  For example, the Kansas …