On October 20 I had the extreme pleasure of being one of the plenary speakers at the 2011 Best Practices Exchange. I rarely have the opportunity to get an hour all to myself to speak about pretty much whatever I want to talk about. One one hand, I wanted the opportunity to extend the topics …
At our recent Preservation Storage Meeting, the word “data” was frequently mentioned. This was of some note to me, as cultural heritage organizations have, until recently, spoken of “collections” and “content” or even “files,” but not data. This is of course not the case at universities, where social science and observational datasets are very much …
On a recent trip I visited a funky vintage store to see if anything caught my eye. While I was easily able to keep myself from buying any jewelry or taxidermy, I came across a number of displays of family photographs available for sale. Not only were there bowls of loose photos, there was a …
When I meet new people and tell them that I work at the Library of Congress, the first question is usually “What do you do there?” When I explain that part of my job is to oversee a group that develops software, the reaction is often one of surprise: “What? Libraries develop software?” Yes. Yes …
I was recently asked a question that I had never considered before: If I wanted to create a digital time capsule, how would I ensure that it is usable in twenty or fifty or more years? The International Time Capsule Society provides tips on creating a physical capsule. But what about the digital? At its …
One of the meetings I look the most forward to every year is the Open Repositories conference, which was recently held in Austin, Texas on June 6-11, 2011. One of the reasons that I enjoy this meeting so much is that is one of the most international meetings that I have the opportunity to participate …
Libraries, archives, and museums are acquiring increasing numbers of born-digital collections. I’ve been interested to see the increased use of digital forensics tools in the appraisal and processing and accessing of such collections. But there are challenges. Some of the software tools come from the realm of legal forensics, where chain of custody and recovery …